ISL Policies

Handbook and Policies

The Student Code of Conduct & Family-Student Handbook are in place to help students gain the greatest possible benefit from their educational opportunities at the International School of Louisiana. The school uniform policy can be found in the Family-Student Handbook. Our Seclusion and Restraint Policies Manual explains when and how ISL employees might use seclusion or restraint, as well as our documentation and training process. ISL’s Family Engagement Policy and Plan outline opportunities for families to learn with the school community and includes our School-Family Compact. Suspension and expulsion hearings are handled by the NOLA Public Schools Student Hearing Office; full details of their polices and procedures are available in the Student Hearing Office Manual. Parents or guardians who have a concern and have been unable to resolve their concern after having a formal meeting with their student’s teacher and campus Principal may file a grievance with the Head of School by submitting the Formal Grievance Form/Formulario de Queja Formal.

ISL Pupil Progression Plan

2024-2025 Family-Student Handbook

HomeworkLouisiana offers FREE online tutoring and academic resources from for Louisiana residents from kindergarten students through adult learners. Get help in math, science, social studies or English from a live tutor. The services can be accessed from a Louisiana public library, from your home computer or from your mobile device. Visit for more information.

Title IX Policy 

ISL does not discriminate on the basis of sex in any educational programs or activities. Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 specifically prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex and requires Federally-funded schools to investigate claims of discrimination or harassment based on sex. Any student, employee, or family member who believes an ISL student has been the victim of discrimination, harassment, abuse, or assault on the basis of the student’s sex, gender identity, or gender expression can file a complaint with their campus Title IX Coordinator. Retaliation against those who file complaints is prohibited. This policy and the procedures below apply to complaints against employees, students, or third parties.

School Title IX personnel are trained annually by legal counsel. All school employees receive annual training via an online professional development platform.

Visitor and Volunteer Screening and Application Process

For the safety of our students and our campus, ISL has implemented a Visitor Screening, Volunteer, and Chaperone Volunteer Application Process. Visitors must be screened through the National Registry of Sex Offenders. For detailed procedures, please click here for more information.

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