Uptown Campus Procedures

*Click the arrow to the right of each menu item to expand and see a full description of each campus procedure.

  • Hours of Operation


    Early Bird begins at 7:15am

    Breakfast begins at 8:00am


    Carpool begins at 8:15am


    Classroom Instruction begins at 8:30am

    Afternoon Dismissal is at 4:00pm

    (Except Early Dismissal Wednesday 3:00pm)

    For information about Indoor Day dismissal see below under Indoor Dismissal


    After Care Programs Hours (M, T, Th, F) 4:15pm-5:30pm

    except on Wednesdays from 3:15pm-5:30pm


    Office Hours (M, T, Th, F) from 8:30am-4:30pm*

    except on Wednesdays 8:30am-3:30pm*

    *Office is closed during the 30 minutes prior to dismissal


    No early check-outs allowed during the 30 minutes prior to dismissal.

    Office is closed during this time to prepare for dismissal.

  • Arrival - Lower School

    ISL’s Uptown campus opens its gates at 8:15 am. Families/caregivers may make use of a carpool line at either the Magazine St. (one way heading uptown) or Camp St. (one way heading downtown).

    Students should not enter through the front office.

    Staff are available each morning to open car doors and welcome your students to school.

    Only students may enter the building.

    Please be mindful that Camp and Magazine Streets are open to regular traffic. Drivers in the drop off line must pull up curbside and never stop and let children out from the left-hand lane.

    Many families/caregivers prefer to park in the neighborhood and walk their students to the gate. 

    Terpsichore St. is used for school bus drop off.  Please do not park or block this street.

    There are bike racks available if students are biking to school. Bikes should be secured with an appropriate lock to the bike rack, not to street signs or to the railing around the landscaping.

    Gates close promptly at 8:30 am.  Students arriving late to school  (after 8:30 am) must enter through the main office doors on Camp Street.

  • Arrival - Middle School

    ISL’s Uptown campus opens its gates at 8:15 am. Families/caregivers may make use of a carpool line at either the Magazine St. (one way heading uptown) or Camp St. (one way heading downtown).

    We do recommend that  

    6th Grade Students will enter via the Magazine St gate and proceed to the modular building.  All 6th grade classes are in the modular building.  

    7th and 8th grade grade students will enter via Camp Street as this is the more direct path to their classes.

    Students should not enter through the front office.

    Staff are available each morning to open car doors and welcome your students to school.

    Only students may enter the building.

    Please be mindful that Camp and Magazine Streets are open to regular traffic. Drivers in the drop off line must pull up curbside and never stop and let children out from the left-hand lane.

    Many families/caregivers prefer to park in the neighborhood and walk their students to the gate. 

    Terpsichore St. is used for school bus drop off.  Please do not park or block this street.

    There are bike racks available if students are biking to school. Bikes should be secured with an appropriate lock to the bike rack, not to street signs or to the railing around the landscaping.

    Gates close promptly at 8:30 am.  Students arriving late to school  (after 8:30 am) must enter through the main office doors on Camp Street.

  • Dismissal SAFETY Procedures

    We urge all ISL community members to follow the laws and dismissal procedures that keep our community safe. Violators

     affect the safety of our students, staff, ISL families, and the community at large: 

    1. DON’T park on Camp St. during dismissal 

    • Camp St. (between Euterpe and Terpsichore) is a NO PARKING (Bus Zone) lane on Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 
    • To keep our community safe, please adhere to the following: 

                1. No parking and getting out of your

                2. No parking while seated in your

               3. Hazard lights do not indicate that your
              vehicle is “not parked” 

    2. DON’T stop or park in the first traf ic lane (the middle lane on Camp St.)

    • There is no stopping in a moving traffic lane due to State laws. 

    3. DON’T stop or park in the RTA bus lane on Camp St

    • Community reminder: We have students who ride the bus as their school transportation. Parking in the bus lane obstructs the way. 

    4. DON’T signal to your children to run into the traffic lanes to exit or enter their vehicle

    • This is unsafe and unlawful for everyone involved (the students, the cars in the traffic lane, and the individuals stopping in the lane). 

    5. DON’T block the turn between the first lane of traffic and the bus lane. DON’T block the crosswalk. 

    • ISL has employed a crossing guard for years, who has worked diligently to help keep our students safe during dismissal in this very busy street. This year, we have also made active efforts to recruit volunteer crossguards to continue supporting our students and families during arrival and dismissal. Family members who actively disregard the crosswalks put our community at risk. 

    PARK LEGALLY- If you pick up a child who attends ISL, you must park legally and walk onto the blacktop to pick up students. 

    MAKE PICK UP ARRANGEMENTS FOR WALK OFF PRIVILEGE- If your child currently enjoys the privilege of Walk-Off, you must arrange for your child to be picked up on the other side of the park. 

    IMPORTANT NOTE:Walk-off can be revoked if adults do not comply with guidelines and procedures.

  • Afternoon Dismissal - Lower School

    Van and Bus riders will be called to the cafeteria and loaded on their appropriate bus via the Terpsichore St. Homeroom Teachers will walk all other students out to the blacktop and will stand in a designated location.

    Families/caregivers will pick up the student from the teacher on the blacktop.

    Important Notes

    Camp Street is a NO PARKING BUS ZONE Monday through Friday from 7:00 am-4:30pm. Please adhere to the following:

    • No parking and getting out of your vehicle. 
    • No parking while seated in your vehicle.
    • Hazard lights do not indicate that your vehicle is “not parked”

    Camp St. also has an RTA bus stop. This means:

    • No parking in the bus lane- it obstructs
                          the way. 

    Camp Street and Magazine Street are open to regular traffic.  This means:

    • No stopping to wait for your child to come to you.
    • No exiting your vehicle briefly.

    Only students who are 11 years old may walk off campus. Students under 11 years old MUST be accompanied by an older sibling. If you wish for your 11 (and/or your 11 year old and younger sibling/ cousin) to walk off campus at school dismissal, complete the Permission to Walk off - Lower School form and return it to the Family Liaison.

    NEVER signal to your child to run into the traffic lanes to exit or enter their vehicle. This is not only unsafe for everyone involved (the students, the cars in the traffic lane, the individual stopping in the lane), but also unlawful.

    • Students must be picked up by 4:15pm (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and by 3:15 on Wednesday.
    • Students will NOT be released early from school within 30 minutes of dismissal time, during which time the front office will close.
  • Afternoon Dismissal - Middle School

    Middle school students will be dismissed by their krewe leaders.

    6th grade exits through the Magazine Street gate.

    7th and 8th grade exit through the Camp Street gate from the blacktop.

    We strongly encourage families/caregivers to park their cars in the neighborhood and walk on to the blacktop to pick up their middle school student. While walk off is permitted, it is strongly discouraged. Developmentally, it is in a middle school student's nature to break rules and test boundaries.

    At 4:00, van riders will be called to the cafeteria along with students riding the RTA and will be dismissed through the Terpsichore doors. All other students will be brought down to the blacktop and released to their families/caregivers. Any student who is not picked up by 4:15 will be allowed to walk off campus. Walk-off students will be released for walk-off only after the students being picked up by families/caregivers have left the area


    Important Notes

    Camp Street is a NO PARKING BUS ZONE Monday through Friday from 7:00 am-4:30pm. Please adhere to the following:

    • No parking and getting out of your vehicle. 
    • No parking while seated in your vehicle. 
    • Hazard lights do not indicate that your vehicle
      is “not parked”

    Camp St. also has an RTA bus stop. This means

    • No parking in the bus lane- it obstructs the way. 

    Camp Street and Magazine Street are open to regular traffic.  This means:

    • No stopping to wait for your child to come to you
    • No exiting your vehicle briefly 

    NEVER signal to your child to run into the traffic lanes to exit or enter their vehicle. This is not only unsafe for everyone involved (the students, the cars in the traffic lane, the individual stopping in the lane), but also unlawful.

    • Students must be picked up by 4:15pm (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and by 3:15 on Wednesday.
    • Students will NOT be released early from school within 30 minutes of dismissal time, during which time the front office will close.

  • Indoor Dismissal

    On certain days we may need to dismiss students from their classrooms.  The most common reason is when we are experiencing extreme weather or rain. 

    If the temperature drops below 40 degrees, or rises above 95 degrees, or it is raining, we will suspend outdoor activities including blacktop dismissal and dismiss from inside the classrooms. 

    All families/caregivers will park in the neighborhood and enter the building as follows:

    All 3rd, 4th and 5th grade families/caregivers enter through the cafeteria doors on Terpsichore Street. Then, head to the classroom to sign out their students.

    7th and 8th grade families/caregivers enter through the cafeteria doors on Terpsichore Street. Then, head to the Krewe classrooms on the third floor to sign out their students.

    All 6th grade families/caregivers enter through the Magazine Street pedestrian gate. Then, head to the modular to sign out their students. 

    All students participating in the aftercare program will be in the following locations:

    21st Century students will be in the modular building. Please enter by Magazine Street.

    Prime Time students will be in the cafeteria. Please enter through the cafeteria doors on Terpsichore Street.

    In the case of indoor dismissal, an announcement will be made via Power Alert (voice, text, and email).

    **Please ensure that whomever is picking up knows your child’s homeroom teacher (Lower School) or Krewe Leader (Middle School) and the room location.**

  • Visiting and Volunteering on Campus

    Visitor and Volunteer Screening and Application Process

    Understanding Visitor/Volunteer/Chaperone Volunteer

    If you are interested in visiting the campus or volunteering, please contact your Campus Family Liaison.

    For the safety of our students and our campus, ISL has implemented a Visitor Screening and Volunteer Application Process. Visitors must be screened through the National Registry of Sex Offenders. For detailed procedures, reach out via email. Please allow 48 hours response time. 

    Visitor Screening Opt-In Request

    Our Volunteer Application process is currently open, families can visit our campus after completing a screening. If you would like to volunteer or chaperone volunteer please fill out the volunteer interest form.

    FAQs: Visitor/Volunteer/Chaperone Volunteer

    Flowchart: Visitor/Volunteer/Chaperone

    Volunteer Interest Form

    Volunteer Sign up: 2024-25 ISL School-wide events 

    Chaperone Volunteers are required to complete additional steps, including the Mandatory Reporter Training and a Background Check. The deadline to apply to Chaperone volunteer is September 30, 2023. Please discuss this with your Family Liaisons to determine which steps must be completed in order to volunteer. 

    Ready to apply to become a Chaperone Volunteer?

    Step 1: Fill out the volunteer interest form

    Step 2: Complete the Mandatory Reporter Training. 

    Step 3: After completing the Mandatory Reporter Training, email your certificate to volunteerdocs@isl-edu.org

    Step 4: Completed the Chaperone Volunteer Application. This will be emailed to you after we have received your certificate of completion.

    All Chaperone Volunteers must complete a Background check. More information can be found here:

    Background Check Process

    Learn more about Community Engagement at ISL.

  • Guidelines for FREE Dress

    The primary responsibility for a student’s attire resides withthe student and parents or


    When given opportunities for “free dress” it is our goal to allow students to wear clothing of

    their choice that is comfortable and appropriate for school. We also want to ensure that all students are treated equitably regardless of gender/gender identification, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, body type/size, religion, and personal style. 

    The garments shall be worn so that the waistband is worn at the waist or hips and not below the hips. Shirts/blouses/dress must cover the midriff, back and sides at all times and should be fastened with no visible undergarments.

    Students Must Wear:

    ● A shirt.


    ● Shoes: Closed toe shoes are required. Students must be in athletic shoes for P.E.○
        NOTE: No Crocs or Croc like shoes the Yeezy Foam Runner.

    Students Cannot Wear Clothing With:

    ● Violent language or images.

    ● Images or language depicting drugs or alcohol (or any illegal item or activity) or the use of the same.

    ● Hate speech, profanity, pornography.

    ● Images or language that creates a hostile or intimidating environment based on any protected class.

    No visible underwear.

    No bathing suits.

    No sleepwear.

    No helmets or headgear inside (except as a religious observance).

  • Celebrating Your Student's Birthday at School

    Your student's birthday is a very exciting day. We understand that everyone celebrates differently. For this reason, please adhere to the following:

    • Submit an email request to the teacher and cc Ms. Martha Pena (Family Liaison) and Mr. Richard Fonseca (Office Assistant) in the front office at least 36 hours prior to the requested day.
    • The teacher will confirm with the parents and the front office.  Please make sure you receive this confirmation.
    • After you receive the confirmation,  drop all the birthday supplies to the front office (i.e., plates, napkins, utensils). We cannot provide supplies. Make sure they are labeled with the student's name and the teacher's name.
    • We encourage the parent to email the teacher letting them know when you have dropped off your birthday supplies in the front office.
    • Cupcakes are preferable. No ice cream will be allowed.
    • If you do not wish for your student to attend birthday celebrations, please inform the teacher, and other arrangements will be made.

    NOTE: Only visitors with clearance from ISL are allowed in the building during school hours.

  • ISL Photo Policy

    Click here for the ISL Photo Policy regarding camera use and photo passes.

  • Front Office

    Main Office Phone Number: (504) 654-1088

    Main Office Fax Number: (504) 654-1086

    Office Hours: Monday - Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm

    We are happy to take your calls.  However, please be mindful that the front office is an extremely busy area and we may not be able to answer every single call.  You can also contact us via email. Thank you for your patience.

    *In order to get ready for the end of the day, office closes 30 minutes prior to dismissal every day. We do not answer the phone and do not do early checkouts at this time.

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