Our bus company is George Turner Bus Services, LLC of New Orleans.
ISL will coordinate directly with the bus company. For questions or concerns, please call ISL Transportation Coordinator 504-579-3266, Monday-Friday from 8:00 am to 4: 00 pm or email transportation@isl-edu.org.
International School of Louisiana (ISL) will offer bus transportation service to eligible students, by Louisiana state mandate. The bus service provided is either yellow bus service or RTA service using passes provided by ISL. There are criteria that determine whether a student qualifies for either of these services. For detailed information, please refer to the ISL Transportation Handbook, available on the Transportation section of the ISL website. To register an eligible student for Transportation Services, please log on to our web site and complete the Transportation Registration form.
Please Note: There are additional steps necessary for Before Care/After Care Registration, Walk Off Permission,etc. at your campus. These steps must be outlined and confirmed by your campus front office. Please refer to your front office staff for information regarding Campus Procedures and Registration for before and after care.
Bus routes and schedules are determined by the bus company, George Turner Bus Services, LLC. These routes and schedules are based on the geographic location and needs of eligible students.
Bus routes could change due to several factors, such as: the number of children, geographic location of residence, changes made by families riding the bus, and time required during route.
ISL works closely with George Turner Bus Services to ensure students are picked up and dropped off safely. For questions or concerns, please call ISL Transportation Coordinator 504-579-3266, Monday-Friday from 8:00 am to 4: 00 pm or email transportation@isl-edu.org. If needed, he will redirect your question to the appropriate representative.
To be eligible for either of these forms of transportation, the student’s residence must be more than one (1) mile from the ISL campus they attend, and they must reside in Orleans Parish.
Students are required to arrive at the bus stop ten (10) minutes prior to the scheduled bus arrival time. The bus cannot wait for students who are late.
ISL and Turner Bus Services, LLC's shared goal is to run on schedule daily. In the event your bus does not arrive as scheduled, please allow fifteen (15) minutes after the scheduled bus arrival time prior to contacting the Transportation Manager.
For the safety of the students, bus drivers are expected not to be on their device. With over 50-60 students’ on each bus, it is not feasible to contact each parent about delays. Please allow 15 minutes after the scheduled bus arrival prior to contacting the Transportation Manager
Bus stops are established at easily identifiable locations accessible to students throughout a geographic area. This assures student safety, bus safety, and service reliability. Bus riders cannot select their bus stop.
Bus routes are developed based on information from the Transportation Registration. Routes that serve city-wide programs are more limited by the length of the ride rather than the number of students. If the ride time exceeds a certain amount of time, the bus company may have the bus routed directly to school so that no students spend excessive amounts of time on the bus.
Always refer to www.isl-edu.org for up to date information in case of weather conditions or emergency.
In general, our objective is to establish stops that remain the same regardless of weather conditions. If ISL determines that modifications to schedules or routes are necessary, announcements are made on ISL’s web site www.isl-edu.org.
Students are required to follow the bus driver’s seating arrangement that she/he establishes or modifies for the children she/he transports. ISL may also establish or modify a seating arrangement to ensure the safest transportation possible for our students. Further, assigned seating helps the drivers learn the names of their riders, prevents conflicts on the bus, assures that each student will be seated, and reduces confusion when the students are loading at the stop or at school.
The bus driver has the same authority as a classroom teacher to direct the conduct of a student. This includes seat assignment and general student conduct. Bus suspensions are rule-driven. Both Class 1 and Class 2 violations can and do carry bus suspensions. The school makes all final decisions regarding loss of bus transportation privileges.